Why Laue? #

Before I developed a simple line chart component for Vue.js(vue-trend). Unexpectedly, it is very popular. It's lightweight, simple, but not powerful. I want to extend it and add more charts. It is different and other charts.

  • It depends on several small submodules in D3, so it's very reliable and lightweight.
  • The implementation for Vue.js, so it is composable and supports SSR.

Installation #

npm or Yarn #

Installing with npm(or Yarn) is recommended.

npm i laue
# yarn add laue


Get the latest version from unpkg.com/laue.

<script src=//unpkg.com/laue></script>

Register Laue #

Fully register #

This is the easiest way to register Laue, then you can use all components of Laue anywhere.

import Vue from 'vue';
import { Laue } from 'laue';


On demand #

This is recommended way to register the components you need. If you build tool supports tree shaking(such as rollup and webpack>=2), components that you did not use will be removed at build time.

  <la-cartesian :data="values">
    <la-line prop="value"></la-line>

import { Cartesian, Line } from 'laue'

export default {
  components: {
    LaCartesian: Cartesian,
    LaLine: Line

  data: () => ({
    values: [
      { value: 10 },
      { value: 20 },
      { value: 30 },
      { value: 20 }

Quick started #

A simple example guides you to use Laue.

Step 1. Place the cartesian and bind the data #

  <la-cartesian :width="600" :height="300" :data="values">

export default {
  data: () => ({
    values: [
      { name: 'Page A', pv: 2000 },
      { name: 'Page B', pv: 3000 },
      { name: 'Page C', pv: 1200 }

Step 2. Add chart #

<la-cartesian :width="300" :height="150" :data="values">
  <la-line prop="pv"></la-line>

Step 3. Add other plugins #

<la-cartesian :width="300" :height="150" :data="values">
  <la-line prop="pv"></la-line>
  <la-x-axis prop="name"></la-x-axis>

Done! #

You can check /examples for more examples.

1200200025003000Page APage BPage C
  <la-cartesian :width="300" :height="150" :data="values">
    <la-line prop="pv"></la-line>
    <la-x-axis prop="name"></la-x-axis>

export default {
  data: () => ({
    values: [
      { name: 'Page A', pv: 2000 },
      { name: 'Page B', pv: 3000 },
      { name: 'Page C', pv: 1200 }

Development #

git clone https://github.com/qingwei-li/laue.git
cd laue
npm i
npm run dev